About Assets
This section outlines the structure, functionality, and capabilities of the assetsGraphQL method. The method allows retrieving asset information for specified users, including both common and asset-specific fields, with advanced querying options. Also on the page is a query assets_net_worth designed to get data about the net worth of a particular user or several users in TON cryptocurrency and its equivalent in US dollars. The assets method is also available via a RESTful HTTP API for ease of integration.
All assets balance below are calculated from on-chain smart contracts with dABI
- Ton
- Jetton
- Liquid Staking
- Tonstakers
- Stakee
- Hipo
- Bemo
- TonHub
- Storm
- UTonics
- LP Tokens
- DeDust
- StonFi
- Settle TON
- Staking Services
- TonHub
- DeDust
- JVault
- StonFI
- Swap.Cofee
- Lending
- Evaa
- Farming
- StonFi
- DeDust (separate API)
- Locks
- TonRaffles
- JVault
- Mintless jettons
- TON Beleivers
- TON / Telegram
- Hedge
- DaoLama
- Factorial