
About Assets

What is it?

This section outlines the structure, functionality, and capabilities of the assetsGraphQL method. The method allows retrieving asset information for specified users, including both common and asset-specific fields, with advanced querying options. Also on the page is a query assets_net_worth designed to get data about the net worth of a particular user or several users in TON cryptocurrency and its equivalent in US dollars. The assets method is also available via a RESTful HTTP API for ease of integration.

Supported Assets

Avialable now

  • Ton
  • Jetton
  • Liquid Staking
  • LP Tokens
  • Staking
  • StonFI Farm
  • EVAA

Will be added soon

  • Mintless jettons
  • StonFI Reward
  • DeDust Staking
  • DeDust Rewards