You can use the groupTransactions and groupAccountStates endpoints to perform aggregation operations. These endpoints support various aggregation functions and allow for grouping, sorting, and filtering of results.
- by: List of Strings - Fields by which to group the results.
- You can use all fields of block, transactions and account states. Check out raw_transactions for all available fields in result.
- For some fields, you can apply functions.
- For example, you want to group by month, you can use: by: ["gen_utime__toYYYYMM"]
- Currently, allowed functions: ['toYYYYMMDD', 'toYYYYMM', 'toYear']
- aggregations: List of Aggregation Objects - Specifies the fields to aggregate and the operations to perform. Each object includes:
- field: The field to aggregate on (optional for count).
- operation: The aggregation operation (e.g., sum, count).
- order_by: String - The field to sort the results by. Can be a simple field name or an aggregation field in the format field__operation.
- order_desc: Boolean - Specifies the sorting order. true for descending order, false for ascending order.
- page: Int - The page number for pagination (default is 0).
- page_size: Int - The number of results per page (default is 50).
- filter_by: Filtering Expression - A set of conditions to filter the data.
- count: Counts the number of items.
- sum: Sums the values of a field.
- min: Finds the minimum value of a field.
- max: Finds the maximum value of a field.
- avg: Calculates the average value of a field.
- argMax: Finds the value of another field corresponding to the maximum value of the target field.Comment
- argMin: Finds the value of another field corresponding to the minimum value of the target field.Comment
- least: Finds the least value among the specified fields.
- quantile: Calculates the quantile value of a field.
Aggregation operations can be computationally expensive; consider limiting the scope using filter_by and pagination parameters (page and page_size).