Native protocols fields
We have native support for:
- Jettons
- NFT Sale contracts
- NFT Collections
- DNS contracts
We also support auto-generated protocols with our ABI (will be available soon)
Column name | Type | Description |
parsed_nft_is_inited | Nullable(Int8) | Indicates if the NFT is initialized (1 for true). |
parsed_nft_collection_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the NFT collection address. |
parsed_nft_collection_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the NFT collection address. |
parsed_nft_collection_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the NFT collection. |
parsed_nft_collection_address_address__friendly | | Friendly address of NFT collection. |
parsed_nft_owner_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the NFT owner’s address. |
parsed_nft_owner_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the NFT owner’s address. |
parsed_nft_owner_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the NFT owner. |
parsed_nft_owner_address_address__friendly | | Friendly address of NFT owner. |
parsed_nft_error | Nullable(UInt8) | Error code associated with the NFT. |
parsed_nft_error_message | Nullable(String) | Message describing the error related to the NFT. |
parsed_nft_content_storage_type | Nullable(String) | Type of storage used for NFT content: "on-chain" / "off-chain". |
parsed_nft_content_offchain_url | Nullable(String) | URL of the off-chain NFT content. |
parsed_nft_true_nft_in_collection | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the NFT is truly part of a collection (1 for true). |
parsed_nft_index | Nullable(UInt256) | Index of the NFT within the collection. |
parsed_nft_reveal_mode | Nullable(UInt8) | Reveal mode of the NFT. |
parsed_nft_collection_reveal_items_count | Nullable(UInt64) | Number of items revealed in the collection. |
parsed_nft_telegram_username | Nullable(String) | Telegram username associated with the NFT. |
parsed_nft_content_boc | Nullable(String) | BOC (Bag of Cells) representation of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_content_onchain_value | Nullable(String) | On-chain value of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_content_name_value | Nullable(String) | Name value of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_content_image_value | Nullable(String) | Image value of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_content_image_data_value | Nullable(String) | Image data value of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_content_uri_value | Nullable(String) | URI of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_content_description_value | Nullable(String) | Description of the NFT content. |
parsed_nft_true_owner_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the NFT’s true owner address (behind proxy smc). |
parsed_nft_true_owner_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the NFT’s true owner (behind proxy smc). |
parsed_nft_true_owner_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the NFT’s true owner (behind proxy smc). |
parsed_nft_true_owner_address_address__friendly | | Friendly address of the NFT's true owner (behind proxy smc). |
parsed_owner_is_seller | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the owner is also the seller smart contract (1 for true). |
Column name | Type | Description |
parsed_collection_owner_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the collection owner’s address. |
parsed_collection_owner_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the collection owner’s address. |
parsed_collection_owner_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the collection owner. |
parsed_collection_owner_address_address__friendly | | Friendly address of the collection owner. |
parsed_collection_items_count | Nullable(UInt64) | Number of items in the collection. |
parsed_collection_content_offchain_url | Nullable(String) | URL of the off-chain content of the collection. |
parsed_collection_content_storage_type | Nullable(String) | Storage type used for the collection content: "on-chain" / "off-chain". |
parsed_collection_content_onchain_value | Nullable(String) | On-chain value of the collection content. |
parsed_collection_content_name_value | Nullable(String) | Name value of the collection content. |
parsed_collection_content_image_value | Nullable(String) | Image value of the collection content. |
parsed_collection_content_image_data_value | Nullable(String) | Image data value of the collection content. |
parsed_collection_content_uri_value | Nullable(String) | URI of the collection content. |
parsed_collection_content_description_value | Nullable(String) | Description of the collection content. |
Column name | Type | Description |
parsed_seller_min_step | Nullable(UInt64) | Minimum step increment for the auction. |
parsed_seller_min_bid | Nullable(UInt64) | Minimum bid amount for the auction. |
parsed_seller_max_bid | Nullable(UInt64) | Maximum bid amount for the auction. |
parsed_seller_is_canceled | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the auction was canceled (1 for true). |
parsed_seller_bidder_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the auction bidder. |
parsed_seller_bidder_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the bidder’s address. |
parsed_seller_end_at | Nullable(DateTime) | Auction end timestamp. |
parsed_seller_is_offer | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the sale is an offer (1 for true). |
parsed_seller_offer_is_complete | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the offer is complete (1 for true). |
parsed_seller_offer_owner_address_address | Nullable(String) | Owner’s address of the offer. |
parsed_seller_offer_owner_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the offer owner’s address. |
parsed_seller_nft_collection_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the NFT collection address. |
parsed_seller_nft_collection_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the NFT collection address. |
parsed_seller_nft_collection_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the NFT collection. |
parsed_seller_transaction_type | Nullable(Int16) | Type of the seller’s transaction. |
parsed_seller_sell_transaction_verified | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the seller’s sell transaction was verified (1 for true). |
Column name | Type | Description |
parsed_jetton_total_supply | Nullable(UInt256) | Total supply of the Jetton. |
parsed_jetton_mintable | Nullable(Int8) | Indicates if the Jetton is mintable (1 for true). |
parsed_jetton_admin_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the Jetton’s admin address. |
parsed_jetton_admin_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the Jetton’s admin address. |
parsed_jetton_admin_address_address | Nullable(String) | Admin address of the Jetton: "on-chain" / "off-chain". |
parsed_jetton_admin_address_address__friendly | | Friendly admin address of the Jetton. |
parsed_jetton_content_storage_type | Nullable(String) | Storage type used for Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_offchain_url | Nullable(String) | URL of the off-chain Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_onchain_value | Nullable(String) | On-chain value of the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_name_value | Nullable(String) | Name value of the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_image_value | Nullable(String) | Image value of the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_image_data_value | Nullable(String) | Image data value of the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_symbol_value | Nullable(String) | Symbol value of the Jetton. |
parsed_jetton_content_description_value | Nullable(String) | Description of the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_decimals_value | Nullable(String) | Decimals value of the Jetton. |
parsed_jetton_content_amount_style_value | Nullable(String) | Amount style value for the Jetton. |
parsed_jetton_content_render_type_value | Nullable(String) | Render type for the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_content_uri_value | Nullable(String) | URI of the Jetton content. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_balance | Nullable(UInt256) | Balance of the Jetton wallet. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_owner_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the Jetton wallet owner’s address. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_owner_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the Jetton wallet owner’s address. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_owner_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the Jetton wallet owner. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_owner_address_address__friendly | | Friendly address of the Jetton wallet owner. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_jetton_address_type | Nullable(String) | Type of the Jetton wallet’s Jetton Master address. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_jetton_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the Jetton wallet’s Jetton Master address. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_jetton_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the Jetton Master in the wallet. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_jetton_address_address__friendly | | Friendly address of the Jetton Master in the wallet. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_data_is_approved | Nullable(UInt8) | Indicates if the Jetton wallet data is approved by Master Jetton (1 for true). |
parsed_jetton_wallet_balance_diff | Nullable(Int256) | Difference in the Jetton wallet’s balance with previus state. |
parsed_jetton_owner_code_hash | Nullable(String) | Code hash of the Jetton owner. |
parsed_jetton_owner_code_methods | Array(Int64) | Array of methods available in the Jetton owner’s code. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_receiver_address_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the Jetton wallet’s receiver address. |
parsed_jetton_wallet_receiver_address_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the Jetton wallet’s receiver. |
parsed_transfer_notification_query_id | Nullable(UInt64) | Query ID of the transfer notification. |
parsed_transfer_notification_amount | Nullable(UInt256) | Amount in the transfer notification. |
parsed_transfer_notification_sender_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the transfer notification sender. |
parsed_transfer_notification_sender_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the transfer notification sender. |
parsed_transfer_notification_sender_address__friendly | | Friendly address of the transfer notification sender. |
Column name | Type | Description |
parsed_dns_wallet_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the DNS wallet. |
parsed_dns_wallet_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the DNS wallet. |
parsed_dns_wallet_address__friendly | | Friendly address of the DNS wallet. |
parsed_dns_site_address | Nullable(String) | Site address associated with the DNS. |
parsed_dns_next_resolver_workchain | Nullable(Int16) | Workchain ID of the next DNS resolver. |
parsed_dns_next_resolver_address | Nullable(String) | Address of the next DNS resolver. |
parsed_dns_domain | Nullable(String) | DNS domain associated with the entity. |
parsed_dns_fill_up_time | Nullable(DateTime) | Time when the DNS was filled up. |
Column name | Type | Description |
parsed_wallet_public_key | Nullable(String) | Public key of the wallet. |
parsed_elections_election_id | Nullable(UInt32) | ID of the elections in which the entity participated. |
parsed_potential_ton20 | Nullable(Boolean) | Indicates if the entity could potentially be a TON-20 standard token. |
parsed_potential_gram20 | Nullable(Boolean) | Indicates if the entity could potentially be a Gram-20 standard token. |
parser_version | UInt8 | Version of the parser used to interpret the data. |