Searching accounts
These filters work in raw_account_states and raw_transactions tables
- address__friendly field for any type of address
- address and workchain fields for raw form of address
We don't recommend searching for accounts by code hash, better use filter by get methods
method_name in Func is compiling to crc16 integer, you can filter transactions or accounts states by get any get method:
Some of the methods predefined and contain special columns to query them. Example of query all NFTs in low-level manner:
Table of all predefined get methods:
Get method name | crc16 |
dnsresolve | 123660 |
get_jetton_data | 106029 |
get_wallet_address | 103289 |
get_collection_data | 102491 |
get_nft_address_by_index | 92067 |
get_nft_data | 102351 |
royalty_params | 85719 |
hello_world | 113531 |
get_owner | 80293 |
seqno | 85143 |
get_public_key | 78748 |
get_version | 82320 |
get_marketplace_address | 91689 |
get_sale_data | 72748 |
get_plugin_list | 107653 |
is_plugin_installed | 76407 |
get_subwallet_id | 81467 |
get_editor | 90228 |
get_is_closed | 110449 |
get_reveal_mode | 116695 |
get_reveal_data | 93270 |
get_wallet_data | 97026 |
get_telemint_token_name | 69506 |
get_telemint_auction_state | 122498 |