
Using the webhook, the indexer will apply your filters and send a request to the URL you specify with the data received from new blocks.

Registering a webhook

Webhooks are available only for users with subscriptions. So first of all you need to purchase a subscription that suits you. Extended guide how to authorise and purchase is here GraphQL. You should open webapp dtontech_bot and purchase needed graphql subscription.

To create a webhook you need to send a profile_webhook_setup mutation request to our GraphQL endpoint. You should authorize using your personal graphql key: https://dton.io/{your_key}/graphql .


Explanation of Parameters

  • webhook_id: Integer - Your personal webhook sequence number (some subscriptions allow to register several webhooks
  • endpoint: String - URL of your service
  • filters: Object - Data filtering parameters. Regular filters are supported, as well as filters via __ (see Filters page)
  • fields: List of Strings - List of fields expected in the response
  • extend_filters: Object - Optional parameter to extend the filters of an existing webhook. For the __in filter, the addition of lists is done. That is, if fields__in: [3, 4], and the database already has a field__in: [1, 2], the resulting filter value will be field__in: [1, 2, 3, 4]. Note if a value is passed, the value of the filters is ignored.

Response format

  • success: Boolean - Webhook sequence number
  • error_message: String - URL of your service
  • webhook: Object - Сreated webhook

Using a webhook

After creating a webhook you will receive regular updates at the url you specified . The webhook will contain transactions filtered by the fields and filters




Limitations on the number of webhooks, filter list length, field list length and number of unique accounts per request depend on the subscription rate. You can find the latest information in our Telegram Bot @dtontech_bot